Signet Jewelers Named On FTSE4GOOD Environmental, Social and Governance Index

Signet Jewelers

In recognition of its commendable efforts towards corporate social responsibility and sustainability, Signet Jewelers has been named on the 2017   FTSE4Good US and Global Indices. It thus joins a group of select publicly traded companies “with strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices”, the Company said in its announcement release.

“Signet is proud of our commitment to reducing our energy consumption and raising our efficiency levels across our business,” said Lynn Dennison, Chief Legal, Risk and Corporate Affairs Officer at Signet Jewelers. “Our responsible sourcing efforts have led the industry as 1 of 4 US companies to have reported a conflict-free gold supply chain for 4 consecutive years.”

The FTSE Russell’s ESG Index, FTSE4Good, which celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices.  “Transparent management and clearly-defined ESG criteria make FTSE4Good indexes suitable tools to be used by a wide variety of market participants when creating or assessing sustainable investment products,” FTSE Russell outlined.

This has led to investors around the world using the indices as indicators to determine if investment funds and other products are socially responsible and engage in ethical activities.

Mark Makepeace, Chief Executive, FTSE Russell, said: “When we launched the FTSE4Good Index Series 15 years ago there was scepticism that this was a serious area for professional investors. Since then, the world and the investment landscape has changed beyond recognition and sustainable investing, climate risk, the transition to a low carbon economy, and ESG integration are now a core focus for our clients across asset owners, asset managers, consultants and banks.”

Signet Jewelers affirmed that its tradition of corporate social responsibility has always been about doing the right thing for all its stakeholders and is a part of its Core Values. “We firmly believe that CSR makes our business stronger and more sustainable over the long-term,” the Company said.

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