Delegation from Afghanistan Holds Meet with GJEPC in Jaipur

Delegation from Afghanistan Holds Meet with GJEPC in Jaipur

A delegation from Afghanistan visited the offices of GJEPC in Jaipur on February 20, 2019 to promote their annual India – Afghanistan trade and investment show ‘Passage to Prosperity’, held in association with USAID.

Council representatives initiated discussions on the possibilities of organising an exclusive display of Afghan rough gemstones for Indian manufacturers of gemstones. The show could be held either in India or Afghanistan, the visiting team was told.

Last year, at the inauguration of the 2018 Passage to Prosperity show in Mumbai in September, GJEPC Chairman Pramod Agrawal had held discussions with the country’s Hon’ble Minister of Mines, Ma Nargis Nehan.

After sharing the key points discussed previously, the GJEPC representatives requested the visiting delegation to follow up on these issues with the government of Afghanistan.

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