ALROSA Announces 30 International Auctions To be Held in 2018 to Sell Its Special Rough


PJSC ALROSA announced yesterday that it is planning to hold as many as 30 international auctions “for the sale of special size natural rough diamonds over 10.8 carats” in the forthcoming year, 2018.

“Two auctions will be held in New York where ALROSA’s trade office will resume its full-scale operation,” ALROSA stated. These have been scheduled for May and October.

Another five auctions have been planned for the first quarter; 10 for the second quarter; six in the third quarter and nine in the fourth quarter.

“The largest number of auctions, eleven, will be held in Moscow,” ALROSA declared. “In April and September, the Company will hold auctions in Vladivostok.”

Apart from these, ALROSA will also hold auctions “in the largest international diamond trading centres”, where the Company has its sales offices. Hence, two of the auctions will be held in Antwerp (Belgium), four in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), six in Ramat Gan (Israel), and three in Hong Kong (PRC).

“Russian laws stipulate that special size rough diamonds over 10.8 carats can be sold only at auctions,” said Yevgeny Agureev, Director of the United Selling Organization of ALROSA. “Such diamonds are traditionally in high demand both on Russian and international markets – as a rule, 60 to 100 companies from different countries take part in auctions for their sale. Preliminary figures indicate that in 2017 the Company sold 153,000 carats worth almost US$ 365 million at international auctions for special size rough diamonds.”

The complete schedule of international auctions for the sale of special size rough diamonds in 2018 can be viewed on ALROSA’s sales website.

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