GJEPC-DGFT Jaipur Conduct Seminar on Export Opportunities Through Free Trade Agreements


GJEPC in association with the office of Jt DGFT Jaipur, Shri Virendra Singh organised a Seminar on export opportunities to countries with which India has Free Trade Agreements (FTA). The seminar took place in the GJEPC’s Jaipur Regional Office on October 3, 2017. A number of exporters attended.

The main presentation at the seminar was made by Shri Bipin Menon, Director, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India, while New Delhi Jt DGFT was also present and participated in the discussions.

The speaker highlighted the opportunities for exports to various international markets that are covered by the Free Trade Agreements signed with India. He pointed out that under the FTA, Indian exporters are entitled to ship Gems & Jewellery products to these countries at concessional duty rates, or in some cases, even with nil duty.

News Source: gjepc.org

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