GJEPC Holds Stall Allotment For Inaugural IIJS Tritiya

GJEPC Holds Stall Allotment For Inaugural IIJS Tritiya

GJEPC conducted the stall allotment procedure for its brand new Bengaluru-based show IIJS Tritiya, at Jio World Centre in Mumbai on 19th December. Some 1500+ booths were allocated to 800+ exhibitors on the same day through a transparent process via an online platform that provided a real-time view of the booths being assigned.

IIJS Tritiya was born out of the lacuna of a large-scale regional B2B jewellery exhibition. This move was based on the scores of first-time regional participants witnessed at the IIJS Premiere 2021 that shifted to Bengaluru from Mumbai due to the pandemic.

The inaugural edition of IIJS Tritiya will take place from 17th to 20th March 2023. The show is expected to witness 15000+ visitors from 500+ cities in India and international visitors from 60+ countries.

The mood among IIJS Tritiya exhibitors on the allotment day was upbeat. Exhibitors were optimistic about the prospects for the new show; they spoke about their preparations for producing specialised jewellery collections targeted at the South India market, such as lightweight mangalsutras, handmade plain gold & studded jewellery, etc.

Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and TJM Media Pvt Ltd. is not responsible for any errors in the same.