Dunnedin Stakes Additional Claims, Doubles the Area of Kahuna Project in Canada


Dunnedin Ventures Inc. has announced its decision to increase the size of the Kahuna diamond project by staking an additional 59 claims totaling 66,047 hectares, almost doubling the area covered by the project, which has now become approximately 120,000 hectares (1,200 square kilometres) in size.

The decision comes soon after the Company announced its intention to undertake a plan of arrangement to spin out its gold and copper assets, consisting of the gold rights at the Kahuna project in Nunavut and its Trapper copper-gold porphyry property in British Columbia.

The Kahuna project now consists of over 100 interpreted kimberlite pipe targets, 50 of which are currently being screened for down-ice diamond indicator mineral chemistry from till sampling; over 200 kilometres of aggregate strike length of a kimberlite-intruded structural network including 10 drill-proven diamond bearing kimberlite dikes with sample grades ranging from 0.66 to 6.5 carats (+0.85 mm) per tonne: and five confirmed gold-bearing metasediment belts with approximately 190 kilometres of aggregate strike length.

Dunnedin’s announcement comes at a time when other companies such as Agnico and NxGold Ltd. have also increased levels of exploration and development activity in the area.

Kahuna is an advanced stage high grade diamond project located near Rankin Inlet, Nunavut. It has completed a 1,100 till sample programme in summer 2016 and anticipates beginning a drilling and bulk sampling programme in 2017. In January 2015, it had announced an Inferred Resource of over 4 million carats of macrodiamonds (+0.85 mm) at a grade of 1.01 carats per tonne. The largest diamond recovered was a 5.43 carat stone from the Kahuna dike which was part of a larger diamond that had been broken during the sample preparation process and was reconstructed as having an original size of 13.42 carats.

News Source : gjepc.org

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