Bonas-Couzyn’s Antwerp Office To Tender Namibian Marine Rough Diamonds

Rough diamonds

Bonas-Couzyn NV and International Mining and Dredging Holdings (Pty) Ltd (IMDH) announced that from February they will be offering IMDH’s Namibian marine-mined rough diamonds for sale in Bonas-Couzyn’s Antwerp offices.

IMDH is involved in offshore exploration, dredging and marine mining as well as specialized vessel & tool design. Its Namibian subsidiary, Nutam Operations (Pty) Ltd (NUTAM), has been contracted by license holder Diamond Fields (Namibia) to undertake mining operations within its ML111 offshore Namibian mining license and to sell the production recovered.

The first sale from IMDH brings to market approximately 47,000 carats of original marine goods of gem quality, mined by the specialist mining vessel, the Ya Toivo.

Regular ROM production tenders will be held with Bonas-Couzyn in Antwerp throughout 2019.

The viewings for the first sale are scheduled to take place by appointment only from Monday, 11th February until Friday, 15th February in Bonas Couzyn’s office on the 9th floor of the Diamantclub Building.

The sale will close on Monday, 18th February 2019 at 3 PM Antwerp (CET) time and will be an online highest bid tender via

NewsSource: idexonline

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