First-time special pavilion in JAS-2019 show will be displaying more than 50 stalls of Zambian, Russian and Columbian emerald

JAS 2019

The Well known international show of gems & jewellery (JAS 2019) which will be taking place from 6 to 9 April 2019 at JECC Sitapura Jaipur. the theme of the show is ‘REAL IS RARE’. This Prestigious show will showcase a special Pavillion of emerald which will consist of Zambian, Russian, Columbian, Ethiopian and Afganistan. out of 450 stalls near about 90% of booths will be the designer one. according to secretary JAS 2019 Mr DP Khandealwal, the booths will be displaying precious and semi-precious gemstones, diamonds and diamond jewellery, gold and silver jewellery, designer and fashion jewellery, Jewellery tools and trade publication. this is a very high time for the jewellery to show their products in the show as there are no other international shows in the month of April.

Event Profile
JAS-Jewellers Association Show 2019 is Explore the extravaganza of glitters in gold and other metals in jewellery and the world of gemstones in their widest variety. JAS-Jewellers Association Show 2019 to be held on 06-09 April 2019. It is on Gems & Jewellery, Loose Color Gemstones, Gold Jewellery, color-stone Jewellery, Diamond Jewellery, Silver Jewellery, Platinum Jewellery, Certified Diamonds, Designer Jewellery, Kundan-Meena Jewellery, Thewa, Sozo Jewellery, Studded traditional Jewellery, Contemporary & Fusion Jewellery, Studded Handcrafted Jewellery, Jewellery Making Machinery & tools, Trade Publications & Accessories.

Exhibitor Product profile
Profile of exhibit based on Gems & Jewellery, Loose Color Gemstones, Gold Jewellery, color-stone Jewellery, Diamond Jewellery, Silver Jewellery, Platinum Jewellery, Certified Diamonds, Designer Jewellery, Kundan-Meena Jewellery, Thewa, Sozo Jewellery, Studded traditional Jewellery, Contemporary & Fusion Jewellery, Studded Handcrafted Jewellery, Jewellery Making Machinery & tools, Trade Publications & Accessories.

Visitor Profile
Visitors like professionals, key decision makers, buyers, traders, retailers, suppliers, distributors and much more.

For Registration Visit: JAS Jaipur

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