Aikhal Division further improves safety of its tailings dump


ALROSA installs an automated wireless monitoring system at the waterworks of the Aikhal Division. The transition to automatic control further reduces the risk of emergencies and improves safety of the tailings storage facility at the Processing Plant #14.

The automatic wireless monitoring system (AWMS) consists of a network of sensors installed at the existing meters of the Processing Plant #14 tailing dump at the Aikhal Division.

AWMS includes 33 thermometric and 31 piezometric wells as well as level gauges in the tailing dump and storage pond. The system allows monitoring all key parameters of the structure, including water levels in open reservoirs and soil temperature of enclosing structures.

“Implementation of AWMS allows receiving real-time information on the state of the hydraulic system, quickly assessing the dynamics of changes occurring there and act immediately in response. This makes the tailings management more stable and eliminates emergencies that could harm the Aikhal plant’s and settlement’s infrastructure and the region’s ecology,” said Vyacheslav Zubarev, chief engineer of the Aikhal Division.

Such a system is being implemented for the first time in ALROSA with Aikhal Division as a pioneer. The installation of sensors and batteries is currently underway. The installation of equipment and regulatory documents finalization is expected to be done by the end of 2020.

Other hydraulic facilities of ALROSA will also be equipped with such equipment. At present, the monitoring is manual with various divisions’ and Yakutniproalmaz Institute services taking measures on site at the pre-approved schedule.

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