OROAREZZO 2024: The Jewellery Supply Chain Amid Innovation, Sustainability, And Synergies With Fashion Accessories

OROAREZZO 2024: The Jewellery Supply Chain Amid Innovation, Sustainability, And Synergies With Fashion Accessories

The event programme at Oroarezzo, from 11th to 14th May, will include an in-depth  analysis of processing techniques for the jewellery and fashion accessory industry The present and future of retail faced with macroeconomic uncertainties and the impact  of Artificial Intelligence 

Career Day: at the show, IEG will introduce five Arezzo schools to companies on the  lookout for young talent  

Arezzo (Italy), 8th May 2024 – The programme of events at Oroarezzo, the international, Made in Italy gold  and silver manufacturing exhibition, organised by Italian Exhibition Group from 11th to 14th May at Arezzo  Fiere e Congressi, will see jewellery and the fashion accessory industry dialoguing on technologies that can  guarantee perfect finishing in full respect of the environment. The state of the art of jewellery retailing,  between macroeconomic framework instability and the impact of Artificial Intelligence. Lastly, IEG’s shared  initiative with trade associations and local institutions to introduce five Arezzo schools to companies with  open job positions at the show. These will be the main themes of events at the 43rd edition of Oroarezzo. 


In jewellery, goldsmithing and precious metal fashion accessories, a perfect surface finish is essential. It is a  question of aesthetics and practice: for example, the surface must be easy to clean, resistant to water and  external agents and lightweight to contain costs. If in contact with skin, accessories, watches and jewellery  must be hypoallergenic. Oroarezzo and A.I.F.M. Associazione Italiana Finiture dei Metalli (Italian Association  of Metal Finishing) will be dedicating a seminar to the most recent advances in finishing technologies entitled  “Surface treatment for jewellery, gold and fashion accessories between tradition and innovation”, scheduled  for Sunday 12th May, with a focus on laser techniques, opening up a debate between all those involved in  jewellery and fashion accessory production. Synergies with this market segment will be featured in the  “Precious Fashion” talk on Monday 13th May, which will deal with fashion accessories for the luxury sector.  IEG, together with Confindustria Federorafi and Leather & Luxury magazine, will provide brands, designers  and the production chain with a packed agenda of topics and voices on innovative processing, efficient and  sustainable procedures, the current state of the market, Made in Italy, trends and training (seat reservations  are appreciated on www.oroarezzo.it/it/precious-fashion) The event will be streamed in Italian on the show website. 


Excessive market optimism or pessimism make the jewellers’ job difficult. Should they throw themselves  headlong into purchases, be in constant pursuit of the latest trend or wait for confidence in the  macroeconomic framework to prevail at the risk of driving customers away? And, as the talk organised for  Sunday 12th by Federpreziosi together with the market research institute Format Research, aims to ask,  «What would happen if jewellers no longer existed?». The snapshot of the state of the art says that, in 2023,

there are approximately 13,296 companies operating in the watch, jewellery and silverware retail trade in  Italy, employing 33,890 people and generating a total estimated turnover of just under EUR 5 billion. About  4,000 sales outlets closed from 2013 and 2021. Federpreziosi’s report will help to correctly analyse the  sector’s sales data in a comparison between national and Arezzo-based category representatives. In this  unstable context, Federpreziosi will deal with finding the balance between Artificial Intelligence, customer  service automatism and personalisation with the talk entitled «If communication is a luxury». 

CAREER DAY OPENS THE DOORS TO EMPLOYMENT IN THE JEWELLERY INDUSTRY On Tuesday 14th May, Oroarezzo will open its doors to the generation of tomorrow’s goldsmiths. With Career  Day, “Open To Young Generation”, exhibiting companies looking for professional figures will be able to meet  students from Arezzo interested in entering the jewellery industry. Five schools offer specific courses on  goldsmithing or jewellery processing. Classes from the 3rd to 5th grades at the Technical Institutes “Margaritone” in Arezzo and “B. Varchi” in Montevarchi, the “G. Marcelli” Comprehensive Institute and the  “Piero della Francesca” Artistic High School, both in Arezzo, and the “G. Giovagnoli” Art School in Sansepolcro, have all adhered to the initiative with about a hundred students. Among others, Roberto Santi from ITS TAB  Foundation and Paolo Torriti, representing Siena University’s “Master in Jewellery History, Design and  Marketing”, will also speak at the presentation of the initiative. The exhibitors that students will be able to  contact will display a plaque bearing the initiative’s claim. Companies with open positions will also be found on IEG’s The Jewellery Golden Cloud digital platform, which professionals also use to book business meetings  with exhibitors.  


Regulatory and normative obligations and an increased demand for qualified information now involve every  segment of the supply chain: the impact that proper due diligence or compliance monitoring has on supplier  companies is an advantage for every client company. On Saturday 11th, the experience of Arezzo-based company TCA SpA will bring a panel of interventions on “Responsible Sourcing” to the show. While on  Tuesday 14th, in cooperation with Allianz, professionals at the exhibition will be able to meet with credit  protection specialists at a time when finding stability is crucial for the gold and jewellery sector. 

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