ALROSA reports its March 2021 diamond sales results


April 9, 2021 – ALROSA reports preliminary rough and polished sales results for March 2021.

ALROSA sales of rough and polished diamonds in March totaled $357 million, including proceeds from rough diamond sales of $345 million, and polished diamond sales of $12 million.

For three months of 2021, total rough and polished diamond sales accounted for $1,159 million, including $1,126 million of rough diamond sales and $33 million of polished.

“Jewelry sales results at key markets, including USA and China, indicate a persistently high demand from end-consumers. ALROSA retains its commitment to a prudent sales strategy, aimed at keeping the industry balance through supplying real demand. March sales were in line with our expectations. As we see the market today, polished diamonds stocks in the global pipeline are at a comfortable level, while rough diamonds stocks are approaching low levels,” said Evgeny Agureev, Deputy CEO of ALROSA.

ALROSA Group rough and polished diamond sales in 2021

ALROSA Group rough and polished diamond sales in 2021

Monthly sales results are preliminary and may be updated. Possible discrepancies are due to rounding. Data on the diamond market is the Company’s estimate based on the information available at the time of publication. More detailed Information on sales results the company discloses on a quarterly basis in its Trading updates along with operational results. Official information on the company’s revenue is disclosed in its consolidated IFRS results for the corresponding periods. Preliminary dates of such publications are available in Investor calendar.

Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and TJM Media Pvt Ltd. is not responsible for any errors in the same.