OROAREZZO 2023, Gender Equality In The Gold-Jewelry Industry


Arezzo (Italy), 14th May 2023 – The important thing is to report. Adopting corporate policies that support  gender equality, whether in the jewelry industry or in public or private organizations, is not enough. It is  essential for companies that adopt UN Women’s seven Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) to regularly report on progress and to ensure that both management and workers know what the company is  doing for gender equality. On Saturday 13th May, the opening day of Oroarezzo 2023, the trade show  organized by Italian Exhibition Group at Arezzo Fiere e Congressi, the United Nations organization, which promotes the campaign for equal pay for the same work, gender-sensitive practices in supply chains, zero  tolerance for sexual harassment in the workplace (among others), was represented by Mihwa Park, WEPs  coordinator, who presented the seven principles and ways to apply them in public and private sectors during 

a talk featuring three key figures from the industry, moderated by Alice Vanni, corporate social responsibility  manager for Italpreziosi. 

Iris Van Der Veken, executive director and general secretary of Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2023,  emphasized how resilience to climate change, protection of biodiversity, also in the supply chain, respect for  inclusiveness and human rights and the adoption of ESG objectives must be constantly monitored and shared.  According to Italpreziosi President Ivana Ciabatti, who opened yesterday’s talk, «it has long been said in Italy  that more women in key positions could make an important contribution to GDP growth. Not because they  are better at their jobs than men, but because they have complementary characteristics to men in achieving  the goals for a fairer, more sustainable world that is good for both the planet and for business.

Oroarezzo, the IEG event specifically for the very best of made-in-Italy gold and jewelry, will be ongoing until  Tuesday 16th May. Events tomorrow, Monday 15th, include, again on the subject of sustainability: the  conferences “Certified ethical gold: solutions for purchasing sustainable raw materials” and “Eco sustainability and the quality of surface treatments and coatings for gold and jewelry.” And with Federorafi,  the “Vienna Convention” for precious metals will be discussed.

OROAREZZO – International Jewelry Exhibition
Oroarezzo is the international event of reference for the very best of Made in Italy gold, silverware and jewelry  production, a strategic platform for wholesalers, chains and traditional stores to plan their purchases and replenish their  stock.

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