GJEPC Organises Awareness Workshop for MSME Enterprises in Surat

GJEPC Organises Awareness Workshop for MSME Enterprises in Surat

The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) which has been organising awareness-raising workshops and seminars for gems and jewellery enterprises in the MSME sector, recently held one such event in Surat. These seminars cover a gamut of topics to impart knowledge and information to participants on a variety of subjects intended to help them boost their businesses.

The Surat event was supported by the Ratnakala Vikas Sangh; with the District Industries Commissionerate (DIC), Surat, being the event partner. It was focussed on schemes available to the MSME sector and labour laws in Surat.

The representative from DIC, Surat, made a presentation on State Government schemes for MSMEs and provided guidance on how to avail of benefits under various schemes.

Sohail Sawani from Sohail & Co and Shri L. K. Dugrani from L. K. Dungarani & Associates provided information on labour laws, and explained the benefits of Provident Fund (PF) and Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC); contribution calculation from employer and employee; claim process; medical facilities at ESIC hospital; and expounded on other salient health and related features like sickness and unemployment allowance, disability benefits, maternity benefits etc. of the scheme, which covers the worker and his/her family.

GJEPC’s Regional Chairman Gujarat, Dinesh Nevadiya, encouraged participants to enrol with PF and ESIC for long term benefit, thus providing for themselves or their families in the case of being afflicted by permanent disability, facing unforeseen death; or for financial support at the time of retirement.

Members were apprised about the Recognition of Prior Learning and Apprenticeship scheme and how it can be beneficial to employers, employees, new entrants, or skilled labour working without certification.

On the occasion, the GJEPC executed an MoU with Ratnakala Vikas Sangh for the issuance of Gem & Jewellery Parichay Card to artisans. Details about the Parichay Card scheme were shared for the benefit of participants.

More than 400 participants including artisans, HR managers and SME unit holders attended the session.

Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and TJM Media Pvt Ltd. is not responsible for any errors in the same.